Reapers Coast is a fantasy series of experiences based around a fictional land called the Reapers Coast. This is one of the first semi-directed experiences, where as a player you are not just passively consuming the experience. Instead it is a mix of standard memoizer technology, and simulated augmented reality that blends together to create a fully interactive experience. For much of the interactive dialogue there were separate actors used in order to keep the dialogue dynamic. The experience is 3-5 players, and lasts roughly 1.5-4 hours. The project is popularized largely through it’s connections to The Shekland Massacres.
*Please note there will be spoilers to the main plot of the experience
The story follows a group of adventurers who wake up inside a cave on the Reapers Coast. The particular group is down to player preference on who they select to play as. The full list is:
Name | Class Description | Character Description | Difficulty |
Ambrosia the Fleet-Footed | A ranger armed with a sonic crossbow that fires arrows of hardened wind at enemies | Ambrosia herself is a light-hearted, and shy woodland elf from the Faestrid 1 | medium-high; Ambrosia has low overall health, which makes her susceptible to ambushes very easily |
Telfaran the Enraged | A Barbarian with two two-handed battle axes. Deals more damage the more they are hit consecutively | A hot-headed giant, Telfaran finds himself easily able to intimidate others, but unlikely to be trusted due to his temper | medium; Once the player has some experience Telfran has a high amount of sustainability, and can survive most encounters. However, they are a detriment to more diplomatic approaches |
Armir the Brave | A Warrior with a greatsword, and tower sheild. A brute balanced in offence and defence | A loveable and simple farm boy who became a soldier to help save others | low; Armir has incredibly high health, and his weapons are easy to use |
Delrick the Undying | An undead necromancer with a staff and effigy to help direct his power | A calm, dispassionate wretch with little concern for those around him | high; Delrick has incredibly low health, and his spells take a while to learn how to use effectively |
Olbrek the Mezmorizing | A warlock trickster that supports the team by distracting enemies, and buffing allies | A wordsmith in many ways. Olbrek is known for using his silver tongue to get past situations no one else can | low; Olbrek has many ways to avoid taking damange in general, and can help characters with his charisma to escape troublesome situations |
Each player will have their own introductory sequence to go through, which explains their back-story and a bit about the world. After that each character goes through a specialized tutorial inside a cave, which all meet up at the end. Once all players are at the end of the cave they step out to a world in ruin. The street slowly turns from a luscious forest, and cobblestone road, to a wreck of dilapidated buildings, ethereal phantoms swimming in the air, and corpses strewn about the streets.
The players must then battle their way through the town, fighting monsters, bandits, and townspeople to reach the temple. Once inside the temple a dying man will inform you that a ritual was performed by the Mortuites, and the town was sacrificed to become servants to Mort. He informs you that the ritual was done incorrectly, and instead they have opened a portal to let Mort through, and if he’s able to, he will kill everyone in existence.
Traversing the tunnels beneath the temple you come to a room where there is grand necromancer Azrozene. Azrozene lost his daughter trying to cure a rare disease, she accidentally bumped the cabinet a sample was stored in, and was infected. Mort promised Azrozene he would be able to see his daughter. Once this is all explained he mentions he lied to the other followers about the fact they would die in the ritual. Then he begins to finalize the ritual to allow Mort through. Before he can finish you must interrupt him. If you fail to interrupt him, then Mort enters the world, and ends all life. If you manage to interrupt him, then a fight begins, and you must defeat him to stop the ritual, at which point Mort is furious with Azrozene, and vows to destroy his daughters soul.
Mortuism is a fictional religion where followers of Mort (the God of death). After his wife was irradicated from existence by the God of Life (Zerix), Mort swore to end life itself. Mort was then locked away in his castle in the afterlife, and bound to never be able to leave. He is typically worshipped through human sacrifice, and asks his followers to kill as many as possible in order to be let into his paradise in the afterlife.
A homeland for the elves in the series, mostly consisting of tall Ashwood trees, and houses built into the trees themselves ↩