Dr. Carnell Kliever was born in Shekland, Shekland. He is well known for his work towards the development of the The Kliever model, work in propaganda, and political governance in general. He completed his undergraduate degree at Shekland University in political sciences he went on to be given an honorary doctorate in political sciences for his work on The Kliever model.
Prior to the Q Riots Kliever’s father was an investment banker for Re-Innovate, a firm that would purchase foreclosed houses and renovate them. While at university his father was killed while doing an on-site walkthrough by a member of The Jaerian. Shortly after one of his roommates was unintentionally injured at an ensuing Q riot on campus. Kliever notes these influences as the reasons he wanted to create the Kliever Model in the first place.
Kliever Model Controversies
There have been many controversies surrounding the implementation of the Kliever model, and even it’s theoretical groundings.
Initial Implementation
Many have speculated that Kliever had some sort of unknown leverage to convince the Jaerian to stand down. After redacted communications between Kliever and the group their leadership came to a “cease-fire” in less than 2 weeks. Likewise Kliever over the course of 2 months managed to convince the nations leaders to opt-in to the Kliever model unanimously. People bolster this claim with the fact that one of his first op-ed’s was “a defense of blackmail”.
Skeptics to this claim note that Shekland was one of many nations affected by the recession, and the fact that a global reset on national debt was included, the allowing of monarchies to continue, and the mandatory restructuring are likely the driving forces for the adoption. Additionally many of the people privy to the initial negotiations have since gone missing, or are dead under dubious circumstances.
Isaac Kliever
The tension between Dr. Kliever and his son (Isaac Kliever) has been played out in publications and media tours many times. Isaac Kliever believes in a more direct democracy instead of just ministers being voted who can remove commissioners. Dr.Kliever argues that this is “not a good idea, because it exposes us to the worst elements of democracy”. Dr. Kliever himself has been quite skeptical of many forms of democracy, and blames it as a catalyst for the starting of the Q Riots.
Isaac Kliever has written many critical op-ed’s, and satirical stories about his father’s work. He has derided him on many occasions, and had refused to be included in public conversations with him unless they were in a debate structure.
Dr. Kliever was the developer of “The Kliever tests”, which were a series of tests to help people identify propaganda, and it’s underlying intentions. The test would have someone take a particular piece of media, and understand it’s LIES (location, intention, experience, surreptitious). This involves breaking down the media by:
- Location; Where was the media produced? Who was it’s target audience? Who produced it?
- Intention; What message is the author/organization trying to convey? What topics does it discuss, and which are viewed favorably?
- Experience; What past experience do you have with the author/organization? What does experience with similar author/organizations tell you about the standard practice?
- Surreptitious; How likely is something more clandestine going on? Does something about the media and it’s claim seem highly suspect? Is there anything left out of the claims that seems concerning? Is what’s highlighted a distraction from a glaring problem that is being obfuscated?
For each of these measures you pick a number between 0-7 to demark the positive vs negative sentiment of each. For example if there is a company promoting a gambling service, but the media is mostly distributed in places where there is a high quantity of children, then you might give it a 2 for location. The lower the number the more negative the sentiment. From there you add up the totals, and this will give you your total score for the media on the Kliever test.
The test itself has received critique due to the fact that like-numbered media do not necessarily have any correlation. For example two pieces of media with a 32 can have almost none of the same issues. Likewise the test itself is incredibly subjective, with little to no value in a research setting. Dr. Kliever has however since argued that the point of the test is more so in the process than the outcome. In generating a score for the heuristic Dr. Kliever argues “people will inevitably analyze media more closely, and realistically that’s the real point. It’s not about being objective, it’s about being better than our quick-glance perception”.
Dr. Kliever was found dead in his home of an overdose of perscription medications. While the official reports deny any foul play several independent agencies have speculated it was likely an assassination attempt. Kliever was working on a book detailing the role Zarathemism played historically in the governing of Dah’Rem. Many groups allege that Kliever was using The Archive to view documents that had not been made public by the church, and was killed for including his findings.
List shortened for brevity
- Political Leverage and it’s importance in keeping nations on track (op-ed, author)
- The role of monarchy in governance (op-ed, author)
- The Kliever model; a new model for governance (paper, author)
- Why governments exist; The functional role of stable government in everyday life (interview transcript, interviewee)
- Kliever model adjustments; Improvements based on what we’ve learned (paper, author)
- Municipal and provincial governance; The ‘gaps’ in the Kliever model (paper, author)
- The democratic struggle; Why democracy won’t save you (paper, author)
- The authoritarian struggle; Why a strongman won’t save you (paper, author)