Arzentia is the rest of the world’s sewing machine, pickaxe, factory, and human trial lab
- Shane Traleyor, Minister of Trade, Shekland
Arzentia is one of the largest nations in the world.
Used to be the home of textiles and art
- There was a great financial collapse, and now they are a center of manufacturing
- Have loose regulation around human trials for drugs
Basic Information
Capital: Yaeila
Nodes: 26
Provinces: 5
cities: 3,214
Monarch: Yes
Commissioners & Ministers (TODO)
- Commissioner of Justice
- Minister of Law
- Minister of Enforcement
- Commissioner of Commerce & Finance
- Minister of Business
- Minister of The Treasury
- Commissioner of Art & culture
- Minister of Anthropology
- Minister of Architecture
- Minister of Religion
- Commissioner of Education
- Minister of Primary Education
- Minister of Secondary Education
- Minister of Research
- Commissioner of Foreign Affairs
- Minister of Military Affairs
- Minister of Foreign Trade
- Commissioner of Domestic Affairs
- Minister of Property
- Minister of policing
Notable places (TODO)
Notable People (TODO)
Pre-industrial Arzentia
Prior to the industrialization of Arzentia the nation was known for it’s hand-made textiles, artisanal food, and live performances. Tourism was abundant, Arzentia had the largest trade surplus of any nation.
*Paintings of various scenes in Yaeila
Caste (TODO)