Isaac Kliever is a Sheklanese political Satirist. Isaac was born to Dr. Carnell Kliever, and has been heavily critical of his work. Isaac has written many publications against much of the work done after the Q riots to unify governance of countries. Kliever completed his undergraduate degree in literature at the University of Galeia after refusing admittance to Shekland University under the alumni program.
While Kliever has worked on other projects his work that gains the most traction is his critiques of his father Dr. Carnell Kliever. Isaac has written various op-eds for different outlets about his grievances with The Kliever model. Most of his initial work was in papers refuting his fathers empirical claims, and claims about the effectiveness of the Kliever model. After spending some time speaking with various fiction writers at events Isaac began writing political satire. Some of his earliest work was never publicly posted, and various public figures have mentioned it was not up to par, however several of his short stories have since been published.
Isaac’s stories relating to issues with “aspects”, and what it means to define the role of commissioners have become his most popular works. These stories were typically satire about the various “aspects” used to inform the limits of commissioners roles. For example the commissioner of justice has the “aspect” of justice (as defined in the Kliever Model). Isaac has stated he finds the notion of aspects “pompous and ambiguous”. In Kliever Lies Isaac says:
… It’s not good enough to let the ambiguity lie, either these aspects are defined rigidly enough to be useful, or they’re useless distinctions, and who’s jurisdiction they fall under is arbitrary. If someone get’s shot who was a diplomat on Celanese soil there is no direct rule on if Justice, or Foreign affairs handles it. When something goes awry in the education system who’s to say it’s not another commissioners screwing it up. My father doesn’t care about forcing these disambiguation because none of the policies effect him. He makes enough money from speaking gigs to never have to worry for the rest of his life. …
Isaac also briefly ran a podcast called “the right people”, where he shared these grievances in long form. The name comes from some of his early satire which focused on the fact that “aspects” will often decide what “type of people” they serve and craft legislation around them. After the first season however, it was also ultimately unsuccessful.
List shortened for brevity
- Kliever’s lies; Why Carnell Kliever was the worst thing to happen to politics (interview transcript, interviewee)
- Why live (short-story, author)
- Story about aspects being pompous assholes (short-story, author)
- Job is to maintain stability, not make better lives for people
- Justice
- Only cares about “the virtuous”
- Self-fulfilling, does not rely on ethics
- Children being executed
- Commerce
- Only cares about “The productive”
- Optimization is an end in and of itself
- It’s not about a better world, it’s about an efficient world
- Art
- Only Cares about “The creative”
- Will take from the pragmatic causes
- Foreign affairs
- Only cares about “the people”
- Anyone outside their nation is irrelevant
- Education
- Only cares about “The one’s who are going somewhere”
- The entire focus is on ability to get a job
- No focus on life skills
- Science & Engineering
- Only cares about “The innovative”
- Incredibly set in his ways
- Finds a way out of every argument
- Domestic Affairs
- Only Cares about “The Average”
- Maintaining homogeneity is most important
- The trial of Q (short-story, author)
- The Right People (podcast, 1 season, 4 episodes, co-host)