Shekland is the largest nation on earth (12,428,364 Km^2). The nation is very biodiverse, but primarily consists of grasslands, mountains, and the largest desert (Seris) in the world. Shekland is known for it’s advancements in cognition science, politics, and art. Not only is Shekland physically the largest nation, it also has the highest population, and population dense cities in the world. The nation is the hub of international trade, cognition science, and multinational corporations.
Basic Information
Capital: Shekland
Nodes: 18
Provinces: 6
Cities: 6,234
Monarch: No
Commissioners & Ministers
Shekland is one of the only nations that has joint ministers. Because there is no rule that a minister can be shared across commissioner’s, there are multiple ministers who operate across multiple commissioners. This gives them an unusual amount of sway in the actions of commissioner’s because they can vote to veto multiple commissioners.
- Commissioner of Justice
- Minister of Contracts
- Minister of Ownership
- Minister of policing (joint)
- Commissioner of Commerce & Finance
- Minister of Trade (joint)
- Minister of the treasury (joint)
- Commissioner of Art & culture
- Minister of Digital Media
- Minister of Architecture
- Minister of Physical Arts
- Commissioner of Education
- Minister of Early Education
- Minister of Middle Education
- Minister of Upper Education
- Minister of research (joint)
- Minister of scientific literacy (joint)
- Commissioner of Foreign Affairs
- Minister of war
- Minister of Trade (joint)
- Commissioner of Domestic Affairs
- Minister of Housing
- Minister of policing (joint)
- Minister of the treasury (joint)
- Commissioner of Science & Engineering
- Minister of research (joint)
- Minister of scientific literacy (joint)
- Minister of scientific caution
Notable places
Notable People
Shekland Senior, Shekland University
Shekland node, one of the first nodes created for The Archive
The flame festival in downtown Shekland