• From Dah’Rem
  • Supporter of monarchy
    • Machiavellian prince style
  • Bit of a dick who hates everyone
    • Critic of Dr. Carnell Kliever
      • Kliever model
        • It does not specify any municipal structure, meaning cities can be run however is seen fit. In an interview Ci’ran Bal’main, a coordinator for The Archive stated
          • This allows for tyranny at one of the most impactful levels of government for most people. Kliever by not specifying municipal government has shown his hand for his true intentions. There is an indifference to the individual, or community, the only interest for Kliever is the sex appeal of being a savior to all nations.

        • There are disputes about topics that overlap aspects. If a law also effects the arts should the commissioner of justice or the commissioner of arts be in charge of the decision. There are no formal rules about how each is chosen, and this can lead to issues.
          • Jerrymandering has become a national pastime. The endless bickering about categorization leads to an indulgent bureaucracy that spends most of it’s time justifying who is more important. An endless pissing contest at the behest of the people the commissioners are meant to help

    • Critic of Dr. Seymore Crayznich’s Tenants of Translation
    • Critic of Aelretzia Fortzenia

  • Coordinator for the archive in Alst’arad
    • Religious capital
    • Home of “the flame”